Enrique’s Video Vault: The Very Best of Eddie Kennison

Over the years our man Enrique has rolled video tape on just about anything and everything Chiefs related that was available to him in Mexico. Despite his distance from middle America, he has developed quite a collection of memories from the last 20 years. We are going to bring some of these videos to you with commentary from Enrique. Enjoy!


As you might imagine, I wasn’t going to overlook the official retirement of Eddie Kennison as a member of the Chiefs.

But in this particular case, I’ll just let the images take over for me and present a remarkable cap to his NFL career wearing the red and gold.

11 Responses to “Enrique’s Video Vault: The Very Best of Eddie Kennison”

  • July 22, 2010  - Jimbo says:

    Thanks Enrique, that was very enjoyable. The soundtrack was good as well, no head bangin, rappin & cussing music.
    Go Chiefs.

  • July 22, 2010  - Kevin says:

    I seem to remember him tearing up the Chiefs in his first year in a preseason game. I thought then wow, wish we had him. (I hate losing to the Rams, even in preseason)

  • July 22, 2010  - Enrique says:

    Thanks for watching Jimbo. I’m glad that you liked it.

  • July 22, 2010  - gorillafan says:

    good job.

    and yes, losing to the rams at anytime sucks!

  • July 22, 2010  - Enrique says:

    Thanks gorillafan. And the losing part it’s not only about the Rams…losing against anybody ruins my day.

  • July 22, 2010  - BigJimInWisconsin says:

    Very good sample of Eddie’s work. Thanks Enrique.

    Also, Eddie’s end-around in Denver in the beginning reminds me of how tough Trent Green was. Most quarterbacks become fence posts during those plays, while Trent was usually looking to lay someone out.

  • July 22, 2010  - Enrique says:

    You’re welcome BigJimInWisconsin.

    And I agree with your perception of Trent. He was one tough son of a gun.

  • July 22, 2010  - ChiefsAddiction63 says:

    Trent Green was the best blocking QB the Chiefs ever had. Surprised he didn’t get his bell rung sooner. Kennison should have gotten more yards on that run, he slowed down!! It was wide open

  • July 23, 2010  - ChiefMedicineMan says:

    I always thought Kennison was under appreciated. I watch the highlights and long for the O-line. Trent Green had ALL day. Haven’t seen that in a long time!

  • July 23, 2010  - ChiefsAddiction63 says:

    Trent Green had it all; one of the best offensive lines of all time, a great running game, best TE in football, a good coordinator, and good receivers. Hard to screw up with all that going for you.

    Matt Cassel had crap last year.

  • July 23, 2010  - Dean in Columbia says:

    Eddie may have never really recovered from that pulled hammy in the beginning of the (I think) 2006 season. He played that year but I remember him being noticeably slower.

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